Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
March 2009 - Volume 08, Issue 1
Table of Contents
Research article
Bilateral ground reaction forces and joint moments for lateral sidestepping and crossover stepping tasks
Gregor Kuntze, William I. Sellers, Neil Mansfield
2009, 08(1), 1-8

Research article
Proximal and distal factors associated with dropout versus maintained participation in organized sport
Julie C.S. Boiché, Philippe G. Sarrazin
2009, 08(1), 9-16

Research article
Can the be used to estimate critical velocity in young competitive swimmers?
Aldo M. Costa, António J. Silva, Hugo Louro, Victor M. Reis, Nuno D. Garrido, Mário C. Marques, Daniel A. Marinho
2009, 08(1), 17-23

Research article
Effect of the shoulder position on the biceps brachii emg in different dumbbell curls
Liliam F. Oliveira, Thiago T. Matta, Daniel S. Alves, Marco A.C. Garcia, Taian M.M. Vieira
2009, 08(1), 24-29

Research article
Effects of three feedback conditions on aerobic swim speeds
Pedro Pérez, Salvador Llana, Gabriel Brizuela, Alberto Encarnación
2009, 08(1), 30-36

Research article
Survey of short-term oral corticosteroid administration by orthopaedic physicians in college and high school athletes
Sudhakar G. Madanagopal, John E. Kovaleski, Albert W. Pearsall
2009, 08(1), 37-44

Research article
Effects of sodium bicarbonate ingestion on swim performance in youth athletes
Adam Zajac, Jaroslaw Cholewa, Stanislaw Poprzecki, Zbigniew Waskiewicz, Jozef Langfort
2009, 08(1), 45-50

Research article
Effects of voluntary wheel running on satellite cells in the rat plantaris muscle
Mitsutoshi Kurosaka, Hisashi Naito, Yuji Ogura, Atsushi Kojima, Katsumasa Goto, Shizuo Katamoto
2009, 08(1), 51-57

Research article
Hydrodynamic analysis of different thumb positions in swimming
Daniel A. Marinho, Abel I. Rouboa, Francisco B. Alves, João P. Vilas-Boas, Leandro Machado, Victor M. Reis, António J. Silva
2009, 08(1), 58-66

Research article
Serum IGF-I and hormonal responses to incremental exercise in athletes with and without left ventricular hypertrophy
Aleksandra Żebrowska, Zbigniew Gąsior, Józef Langfort
2009, 08(1), 67-76

Research article
Familiarization, reliability, and comparability of a 40-m maximal shuttle run test
Mark Glaister, Hanna Hauck, Corinne S. Abraham, Kevin L. Merry, Dean Beaver, Bernadette Woods, Gillian McInnes
2009, 08(1), 77-82

Research article
Physical activity patterns and estimated daily energy expenditures in normal and overweight tunisian schoolchildren
Fayçal Zarrouk, Ezdine Bouhlel, Youssef Feki, Mohamed Amri, Roy J. Shephard
2009, 08(1), 83-88

Research article
Short and longer-term effects of creatine supplementation on exercise induced muscle damage
John Rosene, Tracey Matthews, Christine Ryan, Keith Belmore, Alisa Bergsten, Jill Blaisdell, James Gaylord, Rebecca Love, Michael Marrone, Kristine Ward, Eric Wilson
2009, 08(1), 89-96

Research article
A randomised placebo-exercise controlled trial of Kung Fu training for improvements in body composition in overweight/obese adolescents: the “Martial Fitness” study
Tracey W. Tsang, Michael Kohn, Chin Moi Chow, M Fiatarone Singh
2009, 08(1), 97-106

Research article
Difference in the magnitude of muscle damage between elbow flexors and knee extensors eccentric exercises
Tolga Saka, Bedrettin Akova, Zeynep Yazici, Ufuk Sekir, Hakan Gür, Yesim Ozarda
2009, 08(1), 107-115

Research article
A comparison of the sit-and-reach test and the back-saver sit-and-reach test in university students
Pedro A. López-Miñarro, Pilar Sáinz de Baranda Andújar, Pedro L. Rodríguez-García
2009, 08(1), 116-122

Research article
Possible Relationship of Folic Acid Supplementation and Improved Flow-Mediated Dilation in Premenopausal, Eumenorrheic Athletic Women
Anne Z. Hoch, Nicholas M. Pajewski, Raymond G. Hoffmann, Jane E. Schimke, David D. Gutterman
2009, 08(1), 123-129

Research article
Self-Reported Versus Diagnosed Stress Fractures in Norwegian Female Elite Athletes
Jannike Øyen, Monica Klungland Torstveit, Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen
2009, 08(1), 130-135

Research article
Relationships Between Accelerometer-Assessed Physical Activity and Health in Children: Impact of the Activity-Intensity Classification Method
Michelle R. Stone, Ann V. Rowlands, Roger G. Eston
2009, 08(1), 136-143

Case report
A Palmar Fracture-Dislocation of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint of the Middle Finger Caused by Bowling: A Case Report
Tomoaki Fukui, Kazunari Ishida, Taro Shoji, Kenjiro Ito, Shinji Matsushima, Ryosuke Kuroda, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Masahiro Kurosaka, Kazuya Yoshida
2009, 08(1), 144-147

Letter to editor
Have Recent Changes to the Rugby Union Laws of Scrummage Reduced Serious Cervical Spine Injuries?
Terence F. McLoughlin
2009, 08(1), 148-149

Letter to editor
History may be the Best Guide for Determining the Athlete’s Dietary Protein Needs
Umile Giuseppe Longo, Filippo Spiezia, Nicola Maffulli, Vincenzo Denaro
2009, 08(1), 150-151

Book review
Christopher Carling, Thomas Reilly and A. Mark Williams
2009, 08(1), 152

Book review
Scott M. Sporer; series editor: Bernard R. Bach, Jr.
2009, 08(1), 153

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